live oNLINE tRaining Experience
with Special Guest - Richard Nongard
Only $397
Do this for yourself
Rich Guzzi has been an international touring headliner for more than three decades as a comedian, speaker, hypnotist and motivational speaker. With more than 10,000 shows to his credit and well over 1000 additional TV and Radio appearances he is widely considered one of the most experienced stage performers ever. The inspirational tone to his appearances coupled with an extensive comedy background make him extremely versatile and sought after by corporations and fans alike.
With an already solid Hollywood background in acting, directing and professional screenwriting. Rich then coupled his professional skills of stand up comedy, martial arts, NLP, sales and hypnosis. Creating the ultimate training experience for his clients looking to become more effective leaders, executives and social media influencers and have their businesses thrive.
Originally Born in Brooklyn NY, he now lives in a log cabin outside of Nashville Tennessee with 3 dogs, 3 cats, ducks, a random donkey and his neighbors all think he is in the witness protection program.
Richard blends NLP with influence and persuasion
He is a leadership podcaster, keynote speaker, sales trainer, and author. Richard is an expert in psychology, problem-solving, emotional, social intelligence, and he's sharing his vast knowledge with you.
The It Factor Course will be conducted through ZOOM. If you need more information how to use ZOOM here is a learning center that can help
Class will start on Zoom TBA
You will receive your ZOOM access code within 24 hours of the training begining.
There will be a video recording accessable for viewing to those who are registered for the IT Factor Training Course.
There will be a video recording will accessable for viewing to those who are registered for the IT Factor Training Course with in 14 days. A private link will be sent to you upon request.